News Think About Water THINKABOUTWATER.COM is now dedicated to artists who have chosen water as their subject matter or…frederickafosterOctober 19, 2020
Home PageNews Ecoconsciousness Exhibition ecoconsciousness fall 2020 online + billboard show What does it mean to have an ecoconsciousness?…frederickafosterOctober 15, 2020
NewsVideos Dr. Hildur Palsdottir, and Keith Fiveson, Your Environment Now Water protector Fredericka Foster will lead us through a thoughtful reflection on the water that…frederickafosterAugust 4, 2020
Videos Water Journeys Fate Conference Water Journeys Fate Conference from Giana Pilar González on Vimeo. Water Journeys - FATE 2019…frederickafosterJuly 13, 2020
Home PageNews 20/20 Vision: CoCA Members’ Show Welcome to our annual member show, 20/20 Vision, which explores creativity from artists of all…frederickafosterMay 19, 2020
Bio Fredericka Foster Bio 2023 Fredericka Foster is an American painter, cultural activist and educator, born and raised in…frederickafosterMarch 25, 2020
News Opening of The Value of Sanctuary: Building a House Without Walls So happy to have two paintings included in this exhibition. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2019 6…frederickafosterJanuary 30, 2019
About the Artwork Artists Statement Our bodies are mostly water, and we are an intimate part of the hydrological cycle.…frederickafosterDecember 16, 2018
Past Exhibitions Salish Sea Exhibition at the Seattle Artist League 24 artists participated in Salish Sea Exhibition at the Seattle Artist League, September 15, 2018.…frederickafosterDecember 16, 2018
News The Smaller the Theater, the Faster the Music Philip Glass and Fredericka Foster Composer Philip Glass talks time with painter Fredericka Foster. By…frederickafosterNovember 30, 2018